
Maki Na Kamura
Steine legen, Äpfel lesen

The work of Maki Na Kamura is clearly of the 21st century, but the way she uses horizons may refer to a five centuries old tradition of painting.

She argues that “the horizon was invented by painters” because the horizon in nature as a physical line or area does not exist. While many realistic landscapes often give a static impression through the use of horizontal lines, Maki multiplies and interrupts the horizon.

Although she applies various techniques and forms of representation suggesting a classic pictorial space, these landscapes are not clearly defined. Maki Na Kamura plays freely with abstraction and figuration, creating a tension between these two concepts giving painting a new and special dimension.

Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens

Museumlaan 14
9831 Deurle


Tanguy Eeckhout

Joost Declercq

   In collaboration with

Osthaus Museum Hagen

   Thanks to

Flemish government