
De vervulling, 1962

oil paint
1204 x 1455 x 22 mm
Collection Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens

German-Hungarian artist Esteban Fekete (1924–2009) commuted in the 1940s and 1950s between Paris, Buenos Aires, and Darmstadt. Jules Dhondt had a personal relationship with the artist and wanted to display his work in the museum. Until the last days before his death, Jules was busy planning and preparing his artist friend’s exhibition.

Marcel Grypdonck spoke in his opening speech of their close relationship and promptly dubbed Fekete’s exhibition a tribute to Jules and his artistic vision. The work Vervulling is composed of several intertwined planes. A saturated colour scheme speaks through simplified forms.

  • This work is part of the museum’s main collection. It was included in the inventory of the donation from Jules and Irma Dhondt-Dhaenens that was compiled at the board meeting on 19.04.1969.

Jozef Mees in front of a work by Fekete at Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, 1969.
Foto: Cedric Verhelst,, courtesy van de kunstenaar.