
Peter Lemmens
Antichambre #5

The fifth Antichambre display features A sure mark of final placement is the habit of telling jokes instead of getting on with business. (2020) by Peter Lemmens.

Lemmens took a quick snapshot of a book from Martha Rosler’s collection when the Martha Rosler Library travelled to various art institutions and libraries. The image refers to the “Peter principle”: employees continue to be promoted until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent.

Peter Lemmens’ work focuses on distribution, narrativity, and forms of DIY, to consider social, political, and economic aspects.

Antichambre is an ongoing series of displays that focuses on a single artwork from collectors’ lavatories.

Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens

Museumlaan 14
9831 Deurle


Peter Lemmens, A sure mark of final placement is the habit of telling jokes instead of getting on with business. (detail), 2020.